Monday, March 12, 2012

Origami For Everyone - A Short Story

This is a story about a square, and the folds in basic origami, read the story along with your square of paper and try doing all the folds along

The Square Story

a) There was once a small square
b)He was very sad because no one wanted to play with him.
"Waa", he cried, "if I was as skinny as my brother the rectangle, or as round as the circle, or if I had corners as beautiful as the ones my sister the triangle has… But I am nothing special, all of my corners are the same, long and boring."
Then he picked up a… a very interesting book and read this story.

c) Once upon a time there was a little witch that would sleep all day and fly all night on her broom through the dark starry sky. It was so cold to the point where she would start sneezing until she got sick. It was then that she looked for a... handkerchief and cleaned her nose.

d) After seeing her sneeze, her mom said: You won't be able to fly your broom at night anymore. Instead, bring your... boat and do a small trip. The sea breeze will make you feel much better.

e) Obediently, the little witch took her boat and traveled along all the seas until she discovered a beautiful beach a... witches' house

f) "I want to stay here", thought the little witch as she wrote her mom a... letter.

g) " Mom, you must come visit me. My witch house is so pretty and I have an excellent view from my... window."

h) After reading the letter, her mom went to her... wardrobe.

i) Here she looked for a beautiful red polka dot...handkerchief. 

i) "This is exactly the one I was looking for", she thought. "The handkerchief will hold my hair in place." She tried it in front of her old... mirror. 

k) The witch was hungry and before taking her broom to go visit the little witch, she decided to fry a 

l) For desert, she looked for a chocolate bar. 

m) After this, she prepared her large... purse. 

n) As she mounted on her broom, she remembered. "Oh, I'm forgetting something." she said as she returned to her house to find a... magic bag.

0) She got on her broom and traveled above the seas of the world until she finally found the little witch that played in the beach meanwhile she observed a colorful... butterfly

p) "What is this horrible creature?", said the mom. She pulled out her magic wand and transformed the butterfly unto a fat and ugly... toad. 

q) "Please don't do it", said the little witch. I liked the pretty butterfly. "Well, I liked this toad even more", said the mom. Luckily while this occurred, another butterfly fleeted along and both felt happy once again. They lived and felt happy until the day they died. 
Our little square closed the book as he rubbed his eyes. Was I dreaming or was I awake? Can it be possible that all those things can be made when folding a simple square? Then that means that all these shapes are inside of me: a book, a handkerchief, a boat, a house, a letter, a window, a wardrobe, a handkerchief to hold your hair, a mirror, a fish, a chocolate, a magic bag, a butterfly and a toad. 
"Now I believe that I can find children that would want to fold all those shapes with me. Now I won't be bored." And due to all this joy and enthusiasm, the small square turned bright red.

Now its time for you to write your thoughts in the comments section: Did you like the story? what figure was your favorite? Did you try all the folds?

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