Monday, April 9, 2012

Origami and Social Studies - Activity

This lessons homework is as follows:

In honor of sadako and the meaning of her story for all the people who have been victims of war (specially children), you will make a paper crane, one of the most iconic figures in origami, and no easy feat for the beginners (that why we have made the other figures before!) The catch is: you cant make it with color or white paper, you have to decorate your square of paper! You can try coloring it, using a special paper or decorating the crane after built for example. As always, upload your picture (including a piece of paper with your name and date) and post it on the comments section

Here is a video of the crane folding


Mildred said...

la conseuencia principal de la guerra no es otra más que muchas muertes, todo sigue igual entre japón y U.S.A, sólo que no lo vemos claramente, el origami es un mensaje de paz y entendimiento que expone la sutileza de la cultura japonesa y promueve conciencia en la cultura occidental.

Mildred said...

the principal consecuence of the war it´s the confusion in the people About peace love and understanding, that´s the most trascendental...