Monday, March 19, 2012

Origami - Science Emulating Art that emulates Nature

In this Video Robert Lang explores the link between art and practical applications at the intersection of origami and mathematics. "The secret to productivity is letting dead people do your work for you."

Robert Lang is a pioneer of the newest kind of origami -- using math and engineering principles to fold mind-blowingly intricate designs that are beautiful and, sometimes, very useful.

Robert Lang merges mathematics with aesthetics to fold elegant modern origami. His scientific approach helps him make folds once thought impossible -- and has secured his place as one of the first great Western masters of the art.

What do you think of his presentation? what part of his work do you consider innovative? Extrapolate your answer in no less than 2 paragraphs in the comment section

This comment counts towards your participation grades

Origami and Math - Activity

People who spend time folding paper often ask themselves questions that are ultimately mathematical in nature. Is there a simpler procedure for folding a certain figure? Where on the original square paper do the wings of a crane come from? Why do so many origami figures start with square paper? What size paper should I use to make a chair to sit at the origami table I already made? What words should I use to teach people to make a jumping frog? Is it possible to make an origami beetle that has six legs and two antennae from a single square sheet of paper? Is there a precise procedure for folding a paper into 5 rectangular strips? Which polyhedra can be constructed using Sonobe modules and what do they have in common?

In this activity we will do a panda, noticing the divisions and symmetry processes in its folding.

As usual, when finished take a picture of your origami figure and your name and post them on the comment area

This activity counts for 10% of your total grade

Origami and Math

I know most of us aren't mathematicians, but if you are interested in the math behind the most complex figures in origami, such as tesselations and modular origami, here is an essay from the math department of washington university:

If you have a square piece of paper, how many ways can you fold it to make 2 sections of the same size?

A square folds in half to make 2 rectangles. A square folds in half to make 2 triangles too. Are the rectangles and triangles the same size? This type of question can help children understand the relationship between squares, rectangles and triangles.

What happens when you unfold an origami model? Can you see the symmetry in the crease patterns? Manipulating paper with their hands may help children learn concepts that may otherwise be rather abstract.

Use the comments section to express your perspective about math and origami, this will count towards your final grades so don't make short answers